Ending Up

Sunday, April 24, 2011 1:34 PM

If we are to believe our scientists, everything is energy.   Our religious folk continue to believe in the existence of supernatural forces that supersede energy.   In doing so, they entrust themselves to the unknown and the imaginary, seemingly in hopes that somehow they won’t die and may even be rewarded.  

Other than energy, scientists may seem to have little else to offer.  

But wait! They have acknowledged that all is not yet known and that most of what we do know is only probable.  Then there is the immense quantity of ‘dark matter’ in the universe that still boggles their research and further encourages the faithful. So is all lost? Are we back to square one with no more than hopes to play with?  Have the gargantuan strides that reason has achieved during the last three hundred years come to nothing?   

Certainly not! Despite mathematical insistence on probability we now know more than we ever knew. We have put to rout miracles and superstition.  With the access of modern technology and the ever widening spread of information, the human mind is continuing to open.  We have even found what must surely rejoice the hearts of the faithful - proof of our immortality, perhaps the greatest achievement of science - the discovery that everything is mixed up with everything else as in an enormous eternal soup, and that this is not merely probable, it is true as breakfast. 

Two pieces of evidence prove this achievement, both physical:  our digestive tract and what happens to our bodies at death.   No kidding! Consider:  we feed ourselves with meats, vegetables and drink which become part of us or are eventually dispelled back to form more food and drink.  Secondly, our dead bodies become smoke and steam or feed a myriad beneficiaries that in turn eat plants and animals which then also become meats, vegetables, drink and other humans. Round and round it all goes, and has done so for millions of years.  Even the wind and rain take part.  

Each atom in our fingers has been virtually everywhere and keeps coming back for more: sometimes it’s in the clouds, or part of a butterfly, or a fish, sometimes it’s part of a building or a book or a plane, always on the move, taking part in an endless exchange: sometimes very slowly, as when we grow; sometimes quickly as in an explosion.  But it never stops moving.  And that goes for every one of our trillions of atoms. 

It’s not a matter of hope.   That’s what happens, which is why it’s worth believing!


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